LowCostRoutes.com aims to provide the full list of low cost flights offered by cheap airlines. LowCostRoutes searches for flight on the websites of all the low cost airlines, it sorts and filters the results and offers only the relevant low cost flights.
momondo.com is a travel metasearch engine that enables users to find and compare prices on airplane tickets, hotels, cars and travel deals. momondo does not sell tickets directly, instead it provides an overview of available travel services on the internet and refers its users to travel providers. The technology of momondo enables its users to gain insight into the prices of airplane tickets and to get an assessment of the attractiveness of a flight ticket based on its price and travel time.
Amadeus is a global distribution system, since it sells tickets for multiple airlines. In addition to airlines, the CRS is also used to book train travel, cruises, car rental, ferry reservations, and hotel rooms. Amadeus is a member of IATA, OTA and SITA.
liligo.com is a search engine that specializes in travel. Launched in 2006, the website allows users to compare travel products (flight tickets, hotels, holidays, car hires) in order to find the cheapest price. It can also be categorized as a comparison shopping website. Searches are made from hundreds of travel agencies, airlines, hotel chains, booking sites, tour operators and car hire agencies. The site is also available in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian and Romanian.
KanbanFlow is a Lean project management tool allowing real-time collaboration between team members. The Kanban board gives you an excellent overview of your current work situation. Any changes you make on the board are instantly available to all members of the team. With just a quick look on the board, you will get an excellent overview of your current work situation. By dividing the task into subtasks it can be easier to track the progress made on it.